I'm glad that I'm not the only one! I have changed even more now since, well since things have occurred. I can admit that I am too nice and I get upset with myself, but when I realize the person has taken advantage of me, oh boy, it's on! I have kept myself distant and I haven't even been socializing. I just feel I cannot trust anyone and think they are full caca. Everybody always has a hidden agenda. Maybe one day I will begin to trust again, just don't know when :-( It's not just that i have difficulty letting people in, it's that i have difficulty letting people stay close to me. the more you know about me, the more you can injure me. scares the sh*t out of me. I do like to mingle but generally will not talk about my personal life unless I am among longtime friends. I think this comes from a shyness that I try to hide most of the time. I'm a
puzzle box I've had to become one since I discovered what true, suffocating, emotional pain was. I am very selective about letting people get close to me and with the fear of manipulation or of being hurt again still hanging about to a degree, I can't say I see that changing too soon. How do I determine who gets close? A mixture of instinct, common sense and looking at people with what I call the Second Sight. Seeing almost to their core and feeling if the aura is healthy or dark and spiteful. I used to want to take the whole world at its best. I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt out of sheer stupid innocence. I will not make that mistake again. I'm not sure if it's fear of rejection anymore but I used to struggle with that. I guess I'm selective because I try to put my all into my inner circle and those I'm close to and I want to be sure those people are well worth my time. Trust also is a factor probably. Those I let in are those I feel strongly about and my selectiveness is mainly on a heart level. I'm not always level headed or practical with those I let in. Sometimes I make mistakes or get hurt because of this. But to me they were worth my time because I loved them or really cared about them and they had a special place in my heart.
There is nobody alive who wont hurt you when they get close to you. Surviving others is what makes us stronger.
I feel the same. I let very few people in. Because I am wary of being hurt, I am rather shy. I have been accused of being stuck up because I don't instantly warm up to everybody. In this world where everyone (it seems) tries to get one up on you, I don't feel it is a bad thing to be shy.
What I've learned is figure out what is someone's agenda, If I can live with it then I move forward in giving them a little trust to see if they can handle it. If they don't hurt me, I give a little more. Though I'll probably never let anyone in all the way. I can never trust that deeply ever again. Though not trusting anyone ever is too lonely for me. So I have to take some risk in order to find some happiness.
That is a good and safe way to let people earn their trust and your friendship. I will try it, although it will be difficult for me to begin letting others in my life. I've just been deeply hurt by someone who I put up on a pedestal always....I feel so alone because no one really understands! So I felt the need to isolate myself. Either way, I am hurting...............I always feel like people have a hidden agenda and I tend to just back off. I am too tired of being nice and helping others. Now it's me time.
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