People stop making the same mistakes over and over again, GET OUT NOW!!!!. This subject is very common. Alot of people i know, especially females. Some just want to get married, eighter because the guy that proposed has ALOT of money. Or their family are putting alot pressure on them, that they feel even though they aren't ready for mariage they want their family to be happy so they'll get married. There's other reason's, but will stick to these 2 for now. I relate to the 2nd reason, No i've never been
married or
engaged. But i do have Family and friends, who are always pressuring me, to " Go on a date" Or "Go get laid, for once. And you never know you might find the one in the process"- friends Who the fuck says that to a friend? lol That secon reason has
"Whore" written all over it. Thats how people get
HIV and what not. Another reason i feel its not good to pressure someone into being in a relationship, what if you set one of ur friends up with..umm a
murder? Things like this come to my mind. Back to first reason, if your going to marry someone because their rich? That's just sad.I feel sorry for you, correction i feel sorry for your rich fiance. You probably really love him/her but right now your blind by them being rich. I don't understand why you can't be true to them? if you really loved him/her and you need money all you have to do is ask. But i don't understand why people have to blackmail their partners.
Let's say you've known eachother from what highschool? or college? and have been dating ever since and have had some ona nd off relationships. And finally one decide its over, for example lets say he becomes rich? You don't want another female or male to take your place. You was with her/him since the begining, you had to deal with all their crap so the least he/she could do is give you half? Thats the stupides shit ever. If i was in this situation i would be happy for him/her, i wouldn't try to go Get back together just so i can get half of what he/she owns. Thats just some f*cked up shit. And thats what our society is going threw now. But if its indeed "Tue love" that's different. Some females/males listen to whatever their friends tell them, and think its the right thing to do when really its not. I had a few friends in the past, that did things like that. Would marry for money, than get a divorce. I immidetly cut them out of my life, because i don't need
thiefs like them in my life.
I was raised better than that, you are who you hang with people. If you have a friend that cells drungs or thats in lets say a gang, than you yourself is a drug dealer and a gang member. I'm very serious about this, its not a laughing matter. I rather earn the money, than to go steal another mans money. In every relationship i've been in, not once have i asked them for money which in that case its normal. Your asking for it, your not stealing lol. But i have that guilt, like for example what if me and my mate get into an argiument? the first thing that comes to my mind is " Have i ever asked this person for money, or anything like that?" If no than i have nothing to worry about. I'll pack my things and Leave its that simple. Or i'll stay and try to work things out with them. As you can see my recent blog, i talked about me being in abusive realtionship? If i was to write details about it, believe me its not pretty. If you was to ask me what went on btw me and him a few months ago, id lie and say "We just had a little disagreement" And change subject. I loved him at that time, but I never liked talking about it, and now im finally admiting and telling my friends and family what really happened.I kind of just took a break from all of that. Like someone once told me, " Your too young to realize what you want anyway, and don't know what your missing" Everytime i think about that saying i laugh. Because you know what His right im not ready. After the shit i been threw, i don't think i can trust another man to walk into my life and expect them to not be abusive.
I'm a very private person, i don't like sharing things that goes on in my personal life. I feel its my business and people should just stay out of it. And everytime i share my story with people, some say "im here for you" I sometimes think its BS they just say that to make u feel better obviously lol, where were u when this all first started? SAVE IT!! No im not scard for life lol, i just don't feel like getting in another relationship anytime soon.
Another stupid thing some females do, is let their man attack them. If you know you can kick his ass why not do it? Let him feel the pain. I regret never hitting back, and i also regret going back to this asshole. I knew i can kick his ass, but was blind by LOVE. saying to myself " Hell change" His dumb ass will never change. Thinking about it just really pisses me off. Some females just let it happen, well i made a mistake in letting that happen to me once. But never again, i wish he'd lay another hand on my body. I will personally chop HIS DICK!! OFF!! Man that feels soo good to just let out.