How can one hurt you and say he loves you???
That's one question I've been wondering alot about. If you truely love someone, you should not intentionally hurt them. Now I guess there are always certain circumstances as to why someone hurts another. But than I'd question as to why.Because of everything i went threw with him,Everytime someone walks into my life its hard for me to trust them. Everytime i see him, i sometimes forget that this was the guy that always got into a physical fight with me..And has done so many horrible things to me, but i've always thought "He will change, just be Patience". But i see that's never going to happen with him. I really just to need leave him for good, im better than this and i deserve better!! I always turned all the good guys down,and always ended up going back to him! If i can rewind time,there's so many things i would have changed in the past one would include turning him down the first time he asked me out!! If ONLY I CAN DO THAT NOW!!
Another question i sometimes ask myself...Does true love come more than once in a lifetime?
Hang in there ms.stephanie. I'm a fan, i've been following ur hooters international career for a while now I love your style. To your blog i love it too,but to this Because for him 'love' is a form of control. he has to bolster his own self esteem by draining yours. his view of love is warped. love is happiness, kindness, consideration and compassion. its about instinctively wanting the best for the one you love.
he does not love you in the real sense of the word.
he cant love you till he loves himself
I've been checking ur blogspot, very deep. Some of your blogs, have helped me. If you are talking about the kind of hurt that goes along with little arguments, then you need to talk to him about it. Every couple argues from time to time, but if it is getting to be so hurtful to you that it is affecting your life, then you have to tell him. Bring it to his attention that the things he is saying or doing is hurting you. Remeber that men are not the brightest creatures on earth, so you have to tell him what's on your mind because they aren't too good at picking up clues!
He can do it because he thinks it's okay to do it.
He can do it, because his core value system is faulty.
He can do it, because he lacks the conscience, that would prevent most people from doing it.
He can do it, because he doesn't really know what love is.
He can do it, because he is abusive.
He can do it, because he is dysfunctional.
He can do it, because he's permanently disordered.
He can do it, because you allow him to do it.
Yes....As many times as we'll open our hearts up for it...
No true love can come several times in a life time. We all change. Our wants our needs, We get other prioritys When we are young we want sex, fun comfort and worry about the now. We get a partner that suits the now. Later on in life we worry about the future and stability.
They both require love but not necessary the same partner. This may happen several times in your life as you change
No,i think true love happens only once in life.The first thing is that when you are in love what all you can do for your love.If you really love someone i think you can never forget him and you love him till your death.The day you find you find your true love,you will automatically get your answer.
Keep writing blogs, i love having to give people advice, i get them in return by reading ur blogs.
I believe it can come more than once yes. But i also believe that once you find it you should do everything you can to keep it and not have to look again.
I am married for the second time. I had to divorce my first after serious issues came up in his life. True love --- I am not sure what it is anymore. Now I just try to be happy
I think people get confused by love and being " In love" with someone. It can be confusing.. but once you find the right one.. You know the difference. Sometimes its a lil too late, but then again.. whats meant to be will be.
Answering ur question
i hop so if not i am screwed lol
Let him go, or else he'll think its okay for him to keep abusing you! Its not ment to be.Any type of abuse is totally uncalled for no man or woman has a right to hurt their siginifant other, if they do my opinion is leave, you are giving yourself false hope if you thing you can change them, by trying that you are actually giving them feul to be more aggressive. My opinion is if there is agressive behavior you let them know immediatly and walk wawy the first time it happens and never look back.
OMG!! thanks everyone your respeonses are awsome, i feel soo much better!! Tamzin, Yours stood out to me the most. Your right "The day you find you find your true love,you will
automatically get your answer" And to maureen, im not sure what love is anymore eighter. Thanks girl also thanks for sharing :)
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