About Me

Most of the time I'm straight up, other times I'm a silly, laid back, pretty chill person. I love learning more and more about life. My life is EXCITING!! and I'm discovering how to balance everything in it out.I love it when people give me advice. Usually I can find out what a person is all about in the first couple minutes I meet them. I would never change my past for anyone and I would never regret it. Things happen for a reason! I'm going to be a successful person and always overcome any problems or challenges that come my way. I'm tired of hiding and being scared to take a risk. I'm going to take my chances and have some funn! The only times i write blogs,is eighter i was going threw something. Or just need to get something outt!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My fam & friends: i wish i could be w/ u on thanksgiving, also i am so glad i came to iraq. I cant wait to tell u the stories of what they r doing for us every day it makes me feel so selfish and I'm glad I'm here. I'm thankful for you guys more than you'll ever know. u r always there for me when everything falls apart. I was truly....blessed far beyond what i deserve to have you all in my life. i love you so much!

Michelle Torres- can you only love others if you learn to love yourself.in other words my case I don't know how to love?

I've felt like you so much. I think its all about self acceptance and self worth. The more people hurt you the more you want to either hurt back or become completely withdrawn from the world. Mine was the latter.I'm trying to change my thinking to more positive and to give people my time more. I think people are more drawn to you if you are happy in yourself.I guess you have to ask yourself how you feel about yourself and take it from there.

Why do you people get mad when you give an honest opinion,when they ask you for it? Also why how do you deal with your anger?

the simple answer to your first question would be, they didn't want a true honest answer, they only wanted what they "wanted" to hear. I don't get mad when people give me their opinion as long as they're respectful about it but if they do it and attack me for my opinion then i get pretty pissed. Tbh i don't think it's what people say to you, it's how you re-act to what they say/do. I'm the type of person that re-acts to everything someone says to me, it's sometimes hard when they text it to you. Because you want to talk to them face to face and tell them how you feel. It always helps to ignore the situation think of something that once made you happy and kind of dwell into that moment<3>

Jose Cruz- What can you say you learn from your past relationship and friendship?
That's a though question, i guess i said that because i didn't want to answer that. But I learned how to walk away without looking back, but recently that's changed so far there's ONLY 3 people that i feel are holding me back. They had such great positive affect on me, that i don't think I'll ever want to forget them. Another thing I've learned That even nice people sometimes misunderstand kindness. Oh most important one I've learned is I CARE WAY TOO DAMN MUCH...And its sad because like you have other people out there just using you, but you have someone that truly loves and cares for you but your immaturity pushes you away from that. And also That anyone who seems too good to be true so quickly probably is.

You Kayla asked?How do you learn to love yourself ?
It's a long process, not a quick fix. I'd say by starting to cut out negative talk about yourself and others such as "I'm ugly" Or "He would never fall for me" you can start saying nice things, give yourself praise for the things you've done well and even though you may not believe them at first you may eventually. Block all the negative people out of your life, wait let me rephrase that take their negativity and childish behaviors as a complement. And remember these idiots don't pay your bills or take care of you so why listen to what they are saying? You above them.Mirrors always work, take a good look in the mirror Become your Why do you even bother living? How would you like a best friend to treat you? They'd do the same stuff you like doing, they'd lift your spirits and say "hey, don't worry what others say or do I'm here for you and I like you!!" Apply it to yourself. -Hope that helps

PS. some of you might be wondering why i stoped allowing comments, well its because im still trying to anwer everyone else's questions. I'll probably end up not answering all of them, considering how busy i am now pfft!! But as always thanks for checking in, much love and respect to you all!! Happy thanksgiving.