About Me

Most of the time I'm straight up, other times I'm a silly, laid back, pretty chill person. I love learning more and more about life. My life is EXCITING!! and I'm discovering how to balance everything in it out.I love it when people give me advice. Usually I can find out what a person is all about in the first couple minutes I meet them. I would never change my past for anyone and I would never regret it. Things happen for a reason! I'm going to be a successful person and always overcome any problems or challenges that come my way. I'm tired of hiding and being scared to take a risk. I'm going to take my chances and have some funn! The only times i write blogs,is eighter i was going threw something. Or just need to get something outt!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lifting Another Up

Help the community, get off your lazy butt and go accomplish something.Today I'm besides myself. My whole life I tried to help those that needed help and I always got to the point where I had someone on the brink of happiness. Sometimes I'd sacrifice my own happiness in hopes that I could turn someones life around that needed it or wanted it. I look back today and I smile, no doubt. I accomplished something not many can do and I look back thinking that it will probably never happen again. So many emotions ran in my head but the overall outcome was worth the wait, time and effort.It was my greatest accomplishment and I thought I made someone really happy that day. I find peace and escape in helping others out, it allows me to escape my own problems as well. And there is nothing better than to be awarded with a smile, the knowledge that you made someone's day a little bit better and somewhere someone's load has been eased just enough that they can take a breather. And so it is that I love to share my experiences in the hopes that someone out there needs to know that they are not alone and that the world does continue even when it seems that it doesn't. Helping others from time to time keeps me from being to negative. Plus it feels good to know you made a difference. Whenever I help someone whether it be a random stranger or someone I know, it just makes me feel really good...I have been stopped on the street by a random person and asked for my help.. I would never say no too that..I think if we all lend a hand to eachother every once in a while this world of ours would be a much nicer place....