About Me

Most of the time I'm straight up, other times I'm a silly, laid back, pretty chill person. I love learning more and more about life. My life is EXCITING!! and I'm discovering how to balance everything in it out.I love it when people give me advice. Usually I can find out what a person is all about in the first couple minutes I meet them. I would never change my past for anyone and I would never regret it. Things happen for a reason! I'm going to be a successful person and always overcome any problems or challenges that come my way. I'm tired of hiding and being scared to take a risk. I'm going to take my chances and have some funn! The only times i write blogs,is eighter i was going threw something. Or just need to get something outt!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Secret to a woman's heart.....:)

Out of all the questions people asked me, this one stood out to me the most!!
I wanna hear your thoughts on this, leave a comment. You can be known as annonymous, or you can always just fill in ur info :)

Men don't seem to know how to get the women they want, some men think we woman be frontin too much. Noo!! its not even that, you sir do not know how to talk to a woman lol. There's only one way to get a women. It is not through money or nice cars or even a great job (At least that's not what i look for in a guy). The way to get a woman is to make her feel good about herself. If you make her feel happy, intelligent, beautiful, and appreciated she won't be able to get enough of you. And if she makes you feel the same way, well, then you know, she's the one. There is not right time or place. There is only the here and now. Don't let fears get in the way of happiness. In the end, you'll only have yourself to blame. So get out there and spread the LOVE! :) Another thing, don't cheat on her. Don't try to be a playa, just cuz ur friends play their woman don't mean you gotta do it. Alot of my guy friends say this alot "A way to a women's heart is through a man's wallet" That is so not true, I think a way to a woman's heart is kindness, generosity, compassion, consideration, manners, helpfulness, sincerity and romance. A man usually tries to achieve all the above with his wallet which is why some men think a way to a woman's heart is through their wallets.A man tries to achieve a woman's love with flowers, paying for coffee, drinks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners, weekend getaways, tickets to a movie/concert/theatre/sports game, etc... When all along he could get the same woman's love by opening the door for her, holding her hand, hugging, cuddling, giving her the remote control or picking the music station, cooking, cleaning, etc... It's all about how you treat her and make her feel. Sure the easy way to is buy her things to show your love, however in reality doing things to prove your love is way better at creating that deep "soul mate" type of love.


Anonymous said...

There are many shallow, selfish people in the world. not all of them women. It's possible that it's the way to a woman's heart, but then is the way to a man's heart only found by women with big boobs

Amber said...

Replying to your friends saying. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.So how else is she going to be able to afford to get to his heart?

I like this topic,very interesting.

Ashley said...

I agree with your topic,you seem like your an independent woman who can hold her own. I'm curious what do you think about this Do men get a kick out of hurting women's feelings? or fo they know they are doing it?? What are your thoughts on that? I would really appriciate it if you blog this topic. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Its crazy I find this is true more than you would think.In the common sense portion of the question- age of the couple does have to be looked at. If you are 20 and poor; this is natural. If you are 30 (don't work) and are poor;there should be another reason. I have known grown adult men who gave almost everything to the ex wife for their children. They never complain and would offer more if they had it. I'd date and marry that guy. Children are adults at some point. If he loves them this much; the potential for loving you is endless.

Alexis said...

You give good advice, i enjoy reading your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Maybe into her pants, but not into her heart.

Thomas said...

We men never know what you women want,because you guys expect us to know everything you want. You keep things bottled up,but reading this and getting advice from you kinda helped me figure kris out lol.
You are the best sis in law i love you alison.


Stephanie said...

Love you too bro :)
Just gotta be patient with my sister :)