I hate it when people throw out phrases that they don't mean. It's like why waste your time?
"I love you" "I'll call you" "You mean so much to me" The words that open the door to our hearts. I feel as though if you don't mean it don't say it, don't get someone's hopes up. Don't leave them wondering, is he or she serious? should i believe them? When you have so many people from your past, that have lied and done such horrible things it's hard to not sec guess you know. Simple words when you think about it, but powerful words. Words that have to power to make you walk on clouds or sink to the depths of despair. How do we know the difference? How can we tell if these words are real or used in vain? Well,we can't always. It depends on the charm and talent of the giver. Some people will shower us with words, shower us with praise and torture us with promises that are never kept. I don't know if they mean to be deceptive or are just cowardly. The result is the same. Another lie, another let down, another night of sleeplessness wondering where we failed, where we went wrong and how we could have prevented the heartbreak. When will people learn, it is not the words that we say, it is the actions that we take. It is the physical part of those words that matter. No amount of precious words will ever take the place of being there, following through and showing who you really are through actions. As humans we are the most deceptive and devious creatures. We prey on each other. We prey on the vulnerable. I will stand by my words. I won't promise you something I can't do or won't do. I won't tell you how special you are if you don't mean a thing to me. I will never say I love you if I don't have those feelings inside me. It's sad and disheartening when those we trust and love deflate our dreams with their callous actions. It's a wound to the heart that we don't always recover from. If people would think before they speak and ask themselves how would feel it might save one person from a broken heart. If only one. People don't think though unless they are thinking about the end result.If you tell me one thing and do another I will only forgive you for a limited time.