I still can't believe 2009 is over, 2009 was a rough one for me lol. But have to admit it was my year!! Alot of successful doors have opened for me in 2009, with a busy life like me i always tried to make time for my friends and family. I think that was the ONLY bad thing about 2009 for me. Now I'm back on tour but I'm happy i got to spend whole month with my family and a special someone;). I have been through the highest and lowest peaks and valleys of my entire life. Hopefully, 2010 will be different. I am able to bounce back from dire situations. I have learned a lot about my myself, being a sister/aunt/lover, and life in itself. It's no walk in the park. Have I lived up to my potential this year? I think so. I pushed myself alot in 2009, trying to prove people wrong. Broke bones in the process but I'm good! In 2009 i set alot of goals and i accomplished 80% of it, one was to train like I've never trained before. My brother wrestles/boxes so the one thing i tried doing this year was kinda try both, because i really didn't get why he was so into it. I did it to show him support, but i also did it for me to see how far i would push myself. And I'm happy i set that goal, sure i sprained my ankle a few times and bruised up my butt lol. But the one thing i never did was GIVE UP!! I always came close to giving up, but then i would remind myself why i was here. I learned so much about myself in 2009, now i enjoy going to my brother's fight show him support. I now love the aggressive sport lol, i still train every chance i get. In 2010 plan on being my own person, and try not to get attached to people as much. People come and go, i learned that the HARD WAY!!! but now i learn to just not give a shit and MOVE ON!! I hope to be a better judge of character and be stronger and more steadfast in my decisions. I recently met someone, my sister introduced us. His such a good friend and an amazing person. He has helped me alot this past year and he's helped me open the eyes to my heart and i have definitely learned alot from him. I'm so thankful to have someone as wonderful as him in my life. I've always accomplished all of my new years resolutions, or at least tried to finish them all lol. I have a long list this year, I'll list a few...
- You know what screw the list, i change my mind. My new years resolution; is to make no more resolutions :) This year I'm just going to have as much fun as possible, meet new people. Spend more time with my family! BE THE BEST AUNT THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN! And finally settle down i think that's it for me. Anythings possible in 2010! Here's to 2010 being better than 2009!!