About Me

Most of the time I'm straight up, other times I'm a silly, laid back, pretty chill person. I love learning more and more about life. My life is EXCITING!! and I'm discovering how to balance everything in it out.I love it when people give me advice. Usually I can find out what a person is all about in the first couple minutes I meet them. I would never change my past for anyone and I would never regret it. Things happen for a reason! I'm going to be a successful person and always overcome any problems or challenges that come my way. I'm tired of hiding and being scared to take a risk. I'm going to take my chances and have some funn! The only times i write blogs,is eighter i was going threw something. Or just need to get something outt!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sometimes I stand on top of the world and sometimes I feel like the world is the scariest place. But we are just humans and we face obstacles not to be tortured, but to learn a valuable lesson. Otherwise we wouldn’t have to be born again. In the end, you just wanna send out the best you can, ‘cause like a little wind creates a wave, your thoughts will vibrate in the universe long after you are gone…

Friday, May 13, 2011

Love. Once you catch it, you want to keep it. You promise yourself that you will do anything not to lose it. Life brings you random series of events. Things change all the time. Suddenly, you notice that love is already gone. You think you just had it in your hand last night. You trace back in your memories, revisit where you went through and try to find the love. You can’t find it then you realize love is not the thing you keep in your hand. If it’s true love, it will stay. You don’t have to hold it so strongly. If it’s true love, you know it will always stay no matter where life will take you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A big part of growing up is learning how to swallow your pride and forgive others.

As hard as it is to let something slide between you and a friend, a family member or even someone you just straight up don’t like. You have to do it, it takes a lot to forgive and forget. Grudges and silent treatments do nothing but make put a dent on friendship and create an even farther distance between you and another individual whoever they may be. So the next time someone makes you mad let me ask you this

is all of that negativity necessary? Or is it all just a defense mechanism, a wall you put up to keep yourself from being hurt any further?

People shouldn’t live their lives in hatred of others. Once you learn how to forgive others. Your life will be so much more calm and care-free.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

LL Cool J - I Shot Ya Remix

I miss old hip hop, where rappers kept it real and talked about life struggles..Now everything is about weed,sex, etc…Seriously? The world is coming to an end and all you can think about is WEED..SEX..ETC? The world is coming to an end..Illuminati is taking over lmfaoooo!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Little nephew brayden his such a character! love himmm to death!<3 How could you not love him?? He fell a sleep a few hours ago and decided to fart up the place…That’s his way of saying goodbye..until next time lmfaoo love it!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Secret to a woman's heart.....:)

Out of all the questions people asked me, this one stood out to me the most!!
I wanna hear your thoughts on this, leave a comment. You can be known as annonymous, or you can always just fill in ur info :)

Men don't seem to know how to get the women they want, some men think we woman be frontin too much. Noo!! its not even that, you sir do not know how to talk to a woman lol. There's only one way to get a women. It is not through money or nice cars or even a great job (At least that's not what i look for in a guy). The way to get a woman is to make her feel good about herself. If you make her feel happy, intelligent, beautiful, and appreciated she won't be able to get enough of you. And if she makes you feel the same way, well, then you know, she's the one. There is not right time or place. There is only the here and now. Don't let fears get in the way of happiness. In the end, you'll only have yourself to blame. So get out there and spread the LOVE! :) Another thing, don't cheat on her. Don't try to be a playa, just cuz ur friends play their woman don't mean you gotta do it. Alot of my guy friends say this alot "A way to a women's heart is through a man's wallet" That is so not true, I think a way to a woman's heart is kindness, generosity, compassion, consideration, manners, helpfulness, sincerity and romance. A man usually tries to achieve all the above with his wallet which is why some men think a way to a woman's heart is through their wallets.A man tries to achieve a woman's love with flowers, paying for coffee, drinks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners, weekend getaways, tickets to a movie/concert/theatre/sports game, etc... When all along he could get the same woman's love by opening the door for her, holding her hand, hugging, cuddling, giving her the remote control or picking the music station, cooking, cleaning, etc... It's all about how you treat her and make her feel. Sure the easy way to is buy her things to show your love, however in reality doing things to prove your love is way better at creating that deep "soul mate" type of love.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lifting Another Up

Help the community, get off your lazy butt and go accomplish something.Today I'm besides myself. My whole life I tried to help those that needed help and I always got to the point where I had someone on the brink of happiness. Sometimes I'd sacrifice my own happiness in hopes that I could turn someones life around that needed it or wanted it. I look back today and I smile, no doubt. I accomplished something not many can do and I look back thinking that it will probably never happen again. So many emotions ran in my head but the overall outcome was worth the wait, time and effort.It was my greatest accomplishment and I thought I made someone really happy that day. I find peace and escape in helping others out, it allows me to escape my own problems as well. And there is nothing better than to be awarded with a smile, the knowledge that you made someone's day a little bit better and somewhere someone's load has been eased just enough that they can take a breather. And so it is that I love to share my experiences in the hopes that someone out there needs to know that they are not alone and that the world does continue even when it seems that it doesn't. Helping others from time to time keeps me from being to negative. Plus it feels good to know you made a difference. Whenever I help someone whether it be a random stranger or someone I know, it just makes me feel really good...I have been stopped on the street by a random person and asked for my help.. I would never say no too that..I think if we all lend a hand to eachother every once in a while this world of ours would be a much nicer place....

Friday, January 1, 2010


Alot people wonder what we do on our spare time, when were bored and got nothing else to do. On our trip to Iraq, we decided to dress goofy and make videos this was just one of the the bunch. My fav part was the getho muffin played by leangela..Fast foward to 3:45 for the getho part lmfaoo ENJOY!!


I still can't believe 2009 is over, 2009 was a rough one for me lol. But have to admit it was my year!! Alot of successful doors have opened for me in 2009, with a busy life like me i always tried to make time for my friends and family. I think that was the ONLY bad thing about 2009 for me. Now I'm back on tour but I'm happy i got to spend whole month with my family and a special someone;). I have been through the highest and lowest peaks and valleys of my entire life. Hopefully, 2010 will be different. I am able to bounce back from dire situations. I have learned a lot about my myself, being a sister/aunt/lover, and life in itself. It's no walk in the park. Have I lived up to my potential this year? I think so. I pushed myself alot in 2009, trying to prove people wrong. Broke bones in the process but I'm good! In 2009 i set alot of goals and i accomplished 80% of it, one was to train like I've never trained before. My brother wrestles/boxes so the one thing i tried doing this year was kinda try both, because i really didn't get why he was so into it. I did it to show him support, but i also did it for me to see how far i would push myself. And I'm happy i set that goal, sure i sprained my ankle a few times and bruised up my butt lol. But the one thing i never did was GIVE UP!! I always came close to giving up, but then i would remind myself why i was here. I learned so much about myself in 2009, now i enjoy going to my brother's fight show him support. I now love the aggressive sport lol, i still train every chance i get. In 2010 plan on being my own person, and try not to get attached to people as much. People come and go, i learned that the HARD WAY!!! but now i learn to just not give a shit and MOVE ON!! I hope to be a better judge of character and be stronger and more steadfast in my decisions. I recently met someone, my sister introduced us. His such a good friend and an amazing person. He has helped me alot this past year and he's helped me open the eyes to my heart and i have definitely learned alot from him. I'm so thankful to have someone as wonderful as him in my life. I've always accomplished all of my new years resolutions, or at least tried to finish them all lol. I have a long list this year, I'll list a few...

  • You know what screw the list, i change my mind. My new years resolution; is to make no more resolutions :) This year I'm just going to have as much fun as possible, meet new people. Spend more time with my family! BE THE BEST AUNT THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN! And finally settle down i think that's it for me. Anythings possible in 2010! Here's to 2010 being better than 2009!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I hate it when people throw out phrases that they don't mean. It's like why waste your time?

"I love you" "I'll call you" "You mean so much to me" The words that open the door to our hearts. I feel as though if you don't mean it don't say it, don't get someone's hopes up. Don't leave them wondering, is he or she serious? should i believe them? When you have so many people from your past, that have lied and done such horrible things it's hard to not sec guess you know. Simple words when you think about it, but powerful words. Words that have to power to make you walk on clouds or sink to the depths of despair. How do we know the difference? How can we tell if these words are real or used in vain? Well,we can't always. It depends on the charm and talent of the giver. Some people will shower us with words, shower us with praise and torture us with promises that are never kept. I don't know if they mean to be deceptive or are just cowardly. The result is the same. Another lie, another let down, another night of sleeplessness wondering where we failed, where we went wrong and how we could have prevented the heartbreak. When will people learn, it is not the words that we say, it is the actions that we take. It is the physical part of those words that matter. No amount of precious words will ever take the place of being there, following through and showing who you really are through actions. As humans we are the most deceptive and devious creatures. We prey on each other. We prey on the vulnerable. I will stand by my words. I won't promise you something I can't do or won't do. I won't tell you how special you are if you don't mean a thing to me. I will never say I love you if I don't have those feelings inside me. It's sad and disheartening when those we trust and love deflate our dreams with their callous actions. It's a wound to the heart that we don't always recover from. If people would think before they speak and ask themselves how would feel it might save one person from a broken heart. If only one. People don't think though unless they are thinking about the end result.If you tell me one thing and do another I will only forgive you for a limited time.